ICYMI: My opponent doesn’t believe in paying teachers what they’re worth. He doesn’t believe they should be treated with dignity and respect when talking with them about issues that affect them. He’s only looking out for the richest Arkansans, not…
Don’t be fooled by the vote to give teachers/classified staff a BONUS, which is taxed higher, without discussion of RAISES, which is taxed lower. It is shameful that during the Ark. Legislative Council meeting Ladyman made a motion for the…
I support Chris Jones for Governor‘s plan for teacher salaries and I will continue to advocate for better working conditions for teachers and staff as well as raises they so desperately need. Teachers raises NOW >> tax cuts to the…
I’m an educator, student, and research scientist. My grandmother was an educator, and my husband’s family are educators. As an adjunct instructor, I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck on a salary that doesn’t pay you for…
In case you didn’t know, I’m a scientist. I’m a physicist, environmental scientist, and now I consider myself a plant ecologist. I gave a talk over my current research project at Arkansas State University’s Create@state Research Symposium. We need folks…
The 1st Amendment is one of the pillars of our democratic society. Right now, it is under attack at libraries and schools across the nation and in Craighead County.
Over the course of Black History Month, I want to highlight Black voices that have been influential in my life – whether artist, author, musician, academic, etc. Today, I wanted to kick it off with one of my all-time favorite…
A common sense approach would be to make birth control low-cost or free, and increase accessibility by making it over the counter.
Today, I'm reflecting on the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and our current fight for our basic bodily autonomy, our healthcare, our freedom.
Education is a pillar to our society. We shouldn’t be trying to break it down but strengthen it so future generations have a better foundation.