Not only are teacher/school staff raises being put on the backburner during the special session, desperately needed updates to infrastructure like expanding broadband, workforce training, criminal justice reform, and more, may be ignored in favor of pushing through a tax cut that primarily benefits the richest Arkansans.
“[Senate President Pro Tempore (R) Jimmy] Hickey said he favors proceeding with the tax cuts planned for the special session, but he believes the state should not spend about $800 million in federal American Rescue Plan funds until there is a final court ruling to determine the state’s potential liability to the federal government.” (https://www.arkansasonline.com/…/federal-money-wont…/…)
They really want to spend the surplus on tax cuts for the wealthy RIGHT NOW, but it sounds like it really needs to wait for the regular session in January. The wealthiest Arkansans can wait a few more months for that tax cut whereas teachers – who are often among low and lower-middle income folks – NEED raises right now.